Let’s get started

Personalising your Aunty Here’s Book is simple!
Join Manamea as she takes you through the journey of creating a custom book, JUST FOR YOU!



Add to cart

Select your Book & ADD TO CART

Once you’ve added your book to your cart we can start the customisation.


step 2

Proceed to checkout


Head on through to checkout

Please note : Customization will be completed after adding your shipping details 

customize your character

Customize your childs details


Who are you?

Customise your Childs name.


Where are you from?

Customise to suit your Childs nationality.

Select a character that best represents your child

Choose one of the six illustrated characters that Aunty Here created.

customize your character

Customise Character 2 & 3


Choose Characters 2 & 3

Wether you decide to have this as Mum or Dad, Mama or Papa or Aunty and Uncle. The choice is yours.


Select your Character illustration

Customise to suit the Characters backgrounds and where they’re from.

Finalize checkout

Check all your details 

Check all customizable details are correct

There are 6 pages. Please ensure you have checked everything. Once order is processed it cannot be edited.

Complete payment

Proceed to Payment. We use STRIPE as our payment gateway. It is safe and secure.